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Bacterial diagnosis using differential media

Two different media have been used for rapid and accurate detection of Staphylococcus species isolated from BCO lesions.

- CHROMagar orientaion (CO): used as differential medium which allows full differentiation of the microbs based on the colony morphology.

- CHROMagar staphylococcus (CS) medium: used as selective medium which allows the growth of Staph sp. only.

Using these chromogenic media in Bacterial identification can save time and reduce workload. CO has a broader application as a traditional media for the isolation of various microorganisms. Moreover, it is easy to differentiate mixed growth on it and therefore provides higher detection rates over traditional media. S. agnetis appears as small, white, and opaque colonies compared with golden yellow, and pinkish small and opaque colonies of S. aureus and S. saprophyticus for example and and dark pink to reddish colonies of E. coli and turquoise blue of Enterococcus. while on CS medium, S. agnetis has light pinkish colonies compared with to pink to mauve color of S. aureus and green color of S. saprophyticus.

CHROMagar orientation medium

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